Meeting with Prague
How to get to Prague?
Interesting facts about the Czech Republic:
Fact 1. Beer, which is brewed in the Czech Republic, is considered the most delicious.
Fact 2. In the Czech Republic there is a ban, thanks to which in the old town you will not find plastic double-glazed windows or satellite dishes, as it is not allowed to spoil the view of the old city.
Fact 3. The Czech Republic ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of marijuana smokers.
Fact 4. The Czech Republic is a country in which drugs are legalized. However, there are strict standards: heroin - 1.5 grams, ecstasy - 4 tablets, marijuana - 15 grams, cocaine - 1 gram, amphetamine - 2 grams.
Fact 5. Of the bones of men, the Church of Kostnitsa was built. There were times when this land was considered holy. During the plague, in the 14th century, it was here that about 30 thousand people were buried. In the 18th century, new masters came who unearthed the cemetery and erected the Church of Kostnitsa precisely from the remains dug from the ground.
Fact 6. In a cafe in the Czech Republic, a comprehensive dinner will be much cheaper than if you cooked it at home.
Fact 7. There are almost no smoking people in the Czech Republic. Even less often those who smoke on the go.
Fact 8. In the Czech Republic is Prague Castle. It is by right considered the largest castle in the whole of Europe.
Fact 9. For foreigners, Czech is one of the most difficult, because in this language there are words in which there are no vowel letters.
Fact 10. One of the highest paid professions is a veterinarian. In cities, many people walk with their pets, and here it is considered a pleasant necessity. In the Czech Republic, there are practically no stray animals. If you look closely, you will notice a lot of pet stores, which indicates the attitude of our smaller friends.
Fact 11. The population of the Czech Republic understands our Russian lingo and mats, but they do not use such words. For insult, they use the name of animals, for example, a pig or a ram, and also a goat.
Fact 12. One of the oldest professions is prostitution, and in the Czech Republic it is legalized.
Fact 13. On the streets, you will not find a woman walking on heels, as they tend to dress more practical. This is explained by the fact that it is very inconvenient to walk in the center for paving stones.
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